To Put In Contacts:
Step 1: After getting the lenses, please do not wear them immediately. The liquid in the package is saline and a disinfectant, so it may irritate your eyes. Please put the lenses in contact lens care solution for about 6-8 hours before wearing.
Step 2: Take the lens out from the case gently after washing and drying your hands. Make sure you are holding the correct side of the lens.
Step 3: Hold up your upper eyelid and pull down your lower lid, then use the index finger to gently place the lens.
Step 4: Look up and down then left and right after putting the lens in so that it will settle into place. Close your eye for a few moments.
Step 5: Repeat steps 1-4 for the other eye.
To Remove Contacts:
Step 1: Wash and dry your hands thoroughly before touching your eyes.
Step 2: Gently pull down on your lower eyelid and gently raise your upper eyelid with your hand.
Step 3: Using your other index finger and thumb, pinch the lens gently.
Step 4: Look up and slide the lens down gently so the lens stays in your eye. Gently pinch the lens and pull it out of your eye.
Step 5: Repeat steps 1-4 for the other eye.
Contact Lens Care:
1: Clean and disinfect the lens with the correct lens solution.
2: Use fresh solution each time and discard the used solution from lens case after each use.
3: Remember to change the solution regularly if you do not wear the lens often.
Safety Information:
1: Always wash your hands thoroughly before wearing, removing, or handling your contact lenses.
2. Do not lend, borrow, or share used contact lenses; it may lead to infection.
3. Do not keep your contacts in overnight or while sleeping.
4. Insert your lenses before putting make-up on or around your eyes.
5. New contact wearers should keep the lenses in for less than 4 hours a day. When your eyes have adapted to the lenses, you can wear them for longer durations. Do not exceed 8 hours a day.
Note: All lenses sold by Master Pierce/MP Global LLC are not vision correcting lenses. They are not intended for use as a vision aid. If you are in need of prescription lenses, please contact an optometrist.
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